What is the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program?

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What is the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program?

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The Atlantic Immigration Pilot is a Canadian immigration program that was launched in 2017 to help employers in Atlantic Canada hire foreign workers and international graduates. The program is designed to help employers fill labour shortages in the region and to help newcomers settle in Atlantic Canada.

The program is open to employers in the four Atlantic provinces – Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Employers must be designated by the Atlantic provinces and must meet certain criteria.

The program is open to foreign workers and international graduates who meet the criteria for one of the three categories: Skilled Worker, Intermediate-Skilled Worker, and International Graduate. Applicants must have a job offer from a designated employer in Atlantic Canada and must meet the criteria for the category they are applying under.

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot is a great opportunity for employers in Atlantic Canada to hire foreign workers and international graduates. It is also a great opportunity for foreign workers and international graduates to come to Canada and settle in Atlantic Canada.

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