What is Required to Apply for Citizenship?

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What is Required to Apply for Citizenship?

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Applying for Canadian citizenship is a process that requires a great deal of preparation and paperwork. To be eligible for Canadian citizenship, applicants must meet certain requirements.

First, applicants must be at least 18 years of age and have permanent resident status in Canada. They must also have lived in Canada for at least three out of the past four years. Additionally, applicants must have a basic knowledge of English or French, and must pass a citizenship test.

Applicants must also provide proof of their identity, such as a valid passport or birth certificate. They must also provide proof of their residence in Canada, such as a driver’s license or utility bills.

In addition to the above requirements, applicants must also provide a completed application form, a fee, and two passport-sized photographs. Applicants must also declare their intent to reside in Canada if granted citizenship.

Finally, applicants must take an oath of citizenship. This is a formal declaration of loyalty to Canada and its laws.

Applying for Canadian citizenship can be a lengthy process, but it is an important step for those wishing to become Canadian citizens. By meeting the requirements and following the steps outlined above, applicants can begin the process of becoming Canadian citizens.

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