What is Express Entry Draw?

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What is Express Entry Draw?

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The Express Entry Draw is a system used by the Canadian government to manage applications for permanent residence. It is an online system that allows applicants to submit their profile to the Express Entry pool. The Express Entry pool is a database of potential immigrants who are eligible to immigrate to Canada.

The Express Entry Draw is a way for the Canadian government to select the best candidates for immigration. The government uses a points-based system to rank applicants in the Express Entry pool. The points are based on factors such as age, education, work experience, language proficiency, and other factors. The higher the points, the higher the chances of being selected in the Express Entry Draw.

The Express Entry Draw is held every two weeks. The government selects a certain number of applicants from the Express Entry pool and invites them to apply for permanent residence. The applicants who are selected in the Express Entry Draw must submit a complete application for permanent residence within 90 days.

The Express Entry Draw is an important part of the Canadian immigration process. It is a way for the government to select the best candidates for immigration. It is also a way for applicants to get an invitation to apply for permanent residence in Canada.

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