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What is Common Law Partner Sponsorship?

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Common law partner sponsorship is a way for Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their common law partner to become a permanent resident of Canada. Common law partners are two people who have been living together in a conjugal relationship for at least one year. In order to be eligible for common law partner sponsorship, the sponsor must be 18 years of age or older, and must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. The sponsored partner must also meet certain requirements, such as being admissible to Canada and not having any criminal convictions.

The requirement and evidence submitted along with the application package is quite similar to the one of spousal sponsorship application. The key difference is that in common-law partners, due to the nature of the relationship, there is no marriage certificate to legally proof a relationship, and must rely on other submitted evidence. But since even in married spousal sponsorship cases, the applicant would still need to submit evidence to prove that the relationship is genuine and not entered for the primary purpose of obtaining immigration benefits, immigration officials when assessing either case types would use similar methods and metrics to establish these legal requirements.

The process of common law partner sponsorship involves the sponsor submitting an application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The application must include documents such as proof of the sponsor’s Canadian citizenship or permanent residence, proof of the common law relationship, and other documents as required by IRCC. The application is then reviewed by an immigration officer, who will assess the application and make a decision.

If the application is approved, the sponsored partner will be granted permanent residence in Canada. Once the sponsored partner has been granted permanent residence, they will be able to live, work, and study in Canada. They will also be eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship after three years of living in Canada.

Common law partner sponsorship is an excellent way for Canadian citizens and permanent residents to bring their common law partner to Canada. It is important to note, however, that the process can be complex and time-consuming. It is important to ensure that all the necessary documents are included in the application, and that the application is submitted in a timely manner, as the process can take several months to complete.

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