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Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Online Request: Why?

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Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Online Request is a service provided by the Canadian government to allow individuals to request access to information held by the government. This service is available to all Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and individuals who are legally authorized to work or reside in Canada.

The ATIP Online Request service allows individuals to submit requests for access to information held by the government. This includes information held by federal departments, agencies, and Crown corporations, like the Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The request can be made for any type of information, including personal information, records, documents, and other materials.

When submitting a request for access to information, individuals must provide detailed information about the type of information they are requesting. This includes the type of document, the date of the document, and the name of the department or agency that holds the information. Individuals must also provide a valid email address and contact information.

Once the request is submitted, the ATIP Online Request service will review the request and determine if the information requested is available. If the information is available, the request will be processed and the individual will be notified of the results. If the information is not available, the individual will be notified and provided with an explanation as to why the information is not available.

Why is ATIP request important?

When you have applied for a visa, and you believe that you have submitted everything correctly, and at the end, you have received a refusal letter, with standard reasons given in check boxes, you are left out in the dark of what is the real reason that you were rejected. Is it because of the lack of funds, or is it because the study plan didn’t explain well enough to convince the officer that you are really going to study, or for a different purpose.

The ATIP request to IRCC, requesting for the Global Case Management System (GCMS) notes, is the key to the insight of why an application has failed. If you have one or two visa application refusals, it is time to find out what really went wrong in your application, and try to target and correct those mistakes, before it is too late. DO NOT try to reapply for the same visa multiple times without addressing the underlying issues, as each application refusal may hurt future visa applications to Canada, and other Five Eye countries – United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. 

As described at the beginning, if you don’t know anyone who has Canadian immigration status, you cannot obtain this information. If you would like us to help you with that, you can order from this website.

GCMS Notes Order Page

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