What is a Start-up Visa?

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What is a Start-up Visa?

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The Start-up Visa is a Canadian immigration program that provides permanent residence to foreign entrepreneurs who have the potential to build innovative businesses in Canada. This program is designed to attract innovative entrepreneurs from around the world who can create jobs and contribute to the Canadian economy.

The Start-up Visa program is open to entrepreneurs from all countries. To be eligible, applicants must have a qualifying business, a letter of support from a designated organization, and meet the language and investment requirements.

Qualifying businesses must be innovative, have the potential for growth, and be scalable. The business must also be incorporated in Canada and have a majority of its operations in Canada.

The letter of support must come from a designated organization, such as a venture capital fund, angel investor group, or business incubator. The designated organization must be willing to invest in the applicant’s business and provide mentorship and support.

Applicants must also meet the language requirements, which include a minimum score of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5 in either English or French.

Finally, applicants must meet the investment requirements, which include a minimum investment of $200,000 from a designated organization or $75,000 from a Canadian angel investor group.

The Start-up Visa program is an excellent opportunity for foreign entrepreneurs to build innovative businesses in Canada and become permanent residents. If you are interested in applying for the Start-up Visa program, contact a Canadian immigration expert for more information.

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