What is a Humanitarian and Compassionate Application?

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What is a Humanitarian and Compassionate Application?

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Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) applications are a way for individuals to apply for permanent residence in Canada, even if they do not meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). This type of application is designed to consider the unique circumstances of an individual and their family, and to assess whether they should be allowed to stay in Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.

In order to be eligible for an H&C application, an individual must demonstrate that they would experience unusual, undeserved, or disproportionate hardship if they were required to leave Canada. This could include factors such as the length of time they have been in Canada, their family ties in Canada, their age, their health, and their ability to find employment in their home country.

When applying for an H&C application, individuals must provide evidence of their circumstances and explain why they should be allowed to stay in Canada. This could include documents such as medical records, letters of support from family and friends, and evidence of any financial hardship they may experience if they were required to leave Canada.

The H&C application process can be lengthy and complex, and it is important to ensure that all the necessary documents and evidence are included in the application. It is also important to note that an H&C application does not guarantee permanent residence in Canada, and the decision to approve or deny an application is at the discretion of the immigration officer.

If you are considering applying for an H&C application, it is important to seek professional advice from a qualified immigration lawyer or consultant. They can help you understand the process and ensure that your application is complete and accurate.

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