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What is a Deportation Order: The Challenge.

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A deportation order is a document issued by the government of a country that orders a foreign national to be involuntarily removed from the country. It is issued when a foreign national has violated the terms of their visa or has committed a crime. A deportation order is a serious matter and can have long-term consequences for the individual.

In Canada, a deportation order is issued by the Immigration Division (ID) of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). The IRB is responsible for making decisions on immigration and refugee matters. When a foreign national is found to be inadmissible to Canada, the IRB may issue a deportation order.

When a deportation order is issued, the foreign national must leave Canada immediately. If they do not leave, they may be subject to arrest, detention and forceful removal from Canada. They will most likely also be barred from returning to Canada indefinitely, except with an approved Authorization to Return to Canada (ARC).

In some cases, a foreign national may be able to appeal a deportation order. This is done by filing an appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB), or by filing an application for judicial review with the Federal Court of Canada. The foreign national must provide evidence that the ID of IRB made an error in issuing the deportation order. If the IAD or the Federal Court finds that the ID made an error, the deportation order may be overturned.

If you have previously received a deportation order, and now thinking about coming back to Canada, you must to apply for an Authorization to Return to Canada (ARC).

Deportation orders are a serious matter and will have long-term consequences for the individual. It is important to understand the process and the potential consequences of a deportation order before making any decisions. If you are facing a deportation order, talk to us to find out the options you have.

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